
Friday, February 25, 2011

MathRider ~ Review


Finding new ways for my daughter to practice math skills without moaning and groaning is a challenge. Finding a way to practice math skills that keeps my daughter attention ~ nearly impossible, until now! 

What is MathRider?

MathRider is a downloadable program ($37.00) that any child learning mathematical facts (addition, subtraction, multiplication or division) can use to practice and master those facts.

How To Play

The student rides a horse, answering math questions and jumping hurdles, on a quest through the magical MathLands.  The horse  adjusts it speed based on how quickly the student inputs the answer.  The faster the student answers, the more points they will receive.  If the student gets the answer wrong, the computer will give them the answer and lower the hurdle for them to walk thru and continue on.  After the student completes a portion of the ride, they can see how far they have traveled on their quest. Photobucket

Click on the video below to see an example. 

The program allows you to check on the progress of the student. Photobucket

Our Thoughts

Emily was immediately mesmerized by the beautiful graphics and the idea of riding a horse while on a magical quest!   She has used the program almost everyday since I downloaded it.   The more she plays the more challenging it becomes.

I am amazed how quickly she is mastering her addition and subtraction facts.  I big plus for me has been that she needs no assistance what so ever while playing the game.

Find Out More

MathRider is available for download for $37.00 at MathRider’s website.  One Math Rider license can be used with up to ten children. 

To find out more information about computer system requirements for MathRider click here.

To see additional reviews by the Homeschool Crew click here.

This product was given to me for review purposes, and I do not have to return the product to the vendor. I was not paid for this post. All opinions expressed in this post are mine.


Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Cylinders & Cubes {Guidecraft Mom Review}

There is just something about good quality wooden toys that I love ~  the feel, the durability, and the open ended play that most wooden toys provide!  We received brightly colored, wooden nesting Cylinders and Cubes from Guidecraft for the kids to play with. 

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About the Cylinders and Cubes

Both the Cylinders and Cubes come painted with brightly colored non-toxic paint and have a fun pattern painted on the edge.  The pieces graduate from primary (red, blue and green) to pastel colors.  You can use the bright yellow base to stack and sort the pieces. 

Our Thoughts

We really had fun with the Cylinders and Cubes!  We took turns seeing who could stack the most pieces before they would came tumbling down.IMG_4830

We hide a gem under one of the Cylinders and guessed where it was.  To make it a bit more educational we talked about ordinal numbers. I would give Aiden a hint like it is under the 2nd Cylinder. IMG_4828

We did some color matching with colored pencils ~ talking about the variations in the colors and


Aiden made a dinosaur pet shop using the Cubes.


These are not your ordinary stacking containers!  The pieces are recommended for ages 3 and up however, since they are painted with non-toxic paint I would feel comfortable giving them to younger children.

Find Out More

You can purchase the Cylinders and Cubes directly from Guidecraft.  The Cylinders and Cubes are also available from Amazon.


Xenia from Thanks Mail Carrier is hosting the giveaway this month! Head on over to enter, now through 3/11/11.

As a Guidecraft Mom blogger, I was provided this product to review. I was not paid for this post and all opinions expressed in this post are mine.


Friday, February 11, 2011

The Curiosity Files ~ Puffer Fish E-Book {Review}

imageHave you been looking for ways to add some science fun to your homeschooling?  Then check out The Curiosity Files from The Old Schoolhouse.

What are The Curiosity Files?

The Curiosity Files are fun unit studies where you join Professor Ana Lyze and her research team as they investigate and learn about some of the most fascinating oddities on Earth such as:

Each unit study is geared for children ages 8 –13, however they are easily adaptable for younger and older students.   The units are packed with information and fun activities:image

  • Bible study and memory verses
  • Math, history, and geography investigations
  • Literature and suggested book list
  • Writing, spelling, and vocabulary activities
  • Copywork pages (manuscript and cursive)
  • Science observations, projects, and experiments
  • Discussion questions
  • Art, crafts, drawing, and coloring pages
  • Lapbook and notebook pages
  • Internet resources and video links
  • Complete answer key

Puffer Fish E-Book

We received the Puffer Fish e-book (77 pages).  While doing the unit we learned so many interesting facts including:

  • How do puffer fish PUFF? Are they filled with air or what?
  • Other amazing abilities that they have?
  • Can we get a puffer fish for our aquarium?
  • What do people and puffer fish have in common?
  • How does God’s design for puffer fish protect them?

Our Thoughts

I am a huge fan of unit studies and have done many with my children throughout the years.  The puffer fish unit study exceeded my expectations!  I LOVE that this unit study had everything I needed, had hands on activities and included Bible verses, math, writing, spelling, science project ~ every subject including art!  We decided to add our information to a notebook, but you could easily create a lapbook.

Find Out More

Want to check out a sample of the Puffer Fish e-book?  Go here to view some of the e-book.  To get the best deal on The Curiosity Files, you have two options:

To purchase individually, please refer to The Old Schoolhouse Store website for pricing details.

To see additional reviews by the Homeschool Crew click here.

This product was given to me for review purposes, and I do not have to return the product to the vendor. I was not paid for this post. All opinions expressed in this post are mine.
