
Sunday, February 1, 2009

Tot School

Tot School

Aiden is 26 months old

This is our first time posting our Tot School activities. Aiden had a rough start to the week due to a bandaged hand and having a cold.

He did manage to work on sorting shapes with his left hand.

He asked to "cut, cut" with scissors which ended with the scissors being thrown across the room, because he was frustrated with the bandage.

Tuesday, things were back to normal and Aiden had fun looking at his name in his Cars Tot Book, which we printed from Carissa's blog 1+1+1=1.

Emily and Aiden built a fast food restaurant (pick up at the second window) and then demolished it!

Aiden (ahem) painted.

We found this really cute football craft at No Time for Flashcards.

Looking back we did more this week than I thought we had. Of course most of the week was spent snuggling on the sofa and reading since little man wasn't feeling good.

Don't forget to visit Carissa at 1+1+1=1 for more Tot School posts.

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