
Friday, February 26, 2010

Weekly Wrap-Up: Play Time


As I try and remember exactly what Emily and I did this week, other than the basics, the only thing I can come up with is playing.

Emily is learning how to play Chess in one of her co-op classes, so we have been playing Chess at least once a day.


She has spent hours in her room building with K’Nex.


We learned about Renoir and Emily painted a still-life.  I consider art to be part of school, Emily thinks it is too much fun to be school work.


Emily and Aiden built a fort during “quiet time”.  Emily read to Aiden so I’m counting this as school time. : )


We are continuing to work on subtraction, telling time, and money.  (PJ’s and a hat, isn’t this what everyone wears during school?)

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We started using All About Spelling this week and we are both loving the program so far.

Not a terrible exciting week, but we had fun!  For more weekly wrap-ups check out Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers.


  1. My kids dress like that for school too (seriously, they do). LOVE her painting!!

  2. Jammies are our official school uniform. =o)

    Her painting is beautiful.

  3. Hey, my 4 year old son was in his PJ top and tightie-whities for many of his lessons this week...

    Oh, and before I forget, your "play time" is amazing! Chess, Knex, painting- your girlie is special!
