
Friday, February 12, 2010

Weekly Wrap-Up: Squirrels

We have been stuck in the house most of the week due to the snow.

IMG_1129  IMG_1132   

When we did venture out earlier in the week it was just to get milk.  Is it my imagination or do kids drink more milk when it is in limited supply? 

This week we have been learning about squirrels.  It is not  unusual to look out our back door and see this…..


You better not go into our backyard without a pocket full of nuts!

Emily wanted to make a squirrel lapbook and after searching the web, I was only able to find a few resources on Homeschool Share, so I decided to try making my own pintables.  I have to say that I am proud of myself.  This is the first lapbook that I have every created most of the components.

IMG_1190 IMG_1191

Aiden was also studying squirrels and the letter S.  He painted a squirrel and we use the letter S as the tail.


He did really well this week counting nuts.


Emily finally moved on to subtraction this week and breezed through her lessons! 

We made some valentine crafts


and finished off the week “painting” in the snow with a spray bottle filled with water and food coloring.


To read more weekly wrap-ups head on over to Weird Unsocialized Homeschoolers.


  1. What a cute week! I love the heart in the snow! Your week loved like you had a lot of fun! :)

  2. It looks like you definitely made the most of your time stuck indoors...Your squirrel stuff rocks!

    (Oh, and I totally agree with the milk situation!)

  3. We've been going through 7 gallons of milk a week with this cold and snowy weather!

    Love the squirrel:)

  4. I love your adorable header, so cute :) Yes kids eat, drink and get sick more when you're snowed in. Darn that Murphy's Law!

  5. Ok ~ that squirrel that Aiden made is just too CUTE!! :)

    So glad we could have coffee yesterday!

  6. That is very creative with the S for the squirrels tail. The lapbooks make me wish I had smaller kids again. lol

    Love the snow pictures.
