
Friday, February 19, 2010

Weekly Wrap-Up

The beginning of our week was not something I am proud of but highs and lows, it’s all part of homeschooling.  Our house had a bad case of the grump bug and I ended up hiding in the bathroom for a few minutes just so I could pray.  Tuesday evening I finally raised the white flag, and took my kids to visit grandma.  Those few hours away helped put things back in perspective (selfish I know!).  That being said, we got past it and actually had some fun this week.

Our household is eagerly anticipating the first day of Spring, 29 days and counting.  We made a poster with flowers and will add a flower petal each day to count down the days until Spring officially arrives.

IMG_1249Each flower petal has something fun on it such as, make up a song about spring, put out nesting materials for the birds and squirrels, blow bubbles, etc.

3 R’s – We did the basics this week.  Nothing outstanding to report.

We finished up our study on squirrels and hopped onto frogs (sorry I couldn’t resist!).  I would really like to order some tadpoles but I’m not sure where to order them from, and am I really willing to commit to taking care of a frog?  Anyone have any suggestions?

Aiden had a busy week, going from one activity to another.  I had a hard time keeping up with him this week and felt like he got more of my attention them Emily. 

To check out more weekly wrap-ups visit Weird Unsocialized Homeschoolers.

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