
Friday, May 14, 2010

Preschool Corner ~ Ocean

Our theme this week was the Ocean.  I had lots of fun things planned for the week but we didn’t get to most of them.   Let’s just say there was a general lack of enthusiasm this week when it came to school time ~ can I just blame it on the rainy weather?  Aiden was in the mood for school time on Thursday so we did get in one day of learning fun.  

Letter of the Week:

We made an O is for Ocean.   To make it we filled a Ziploc bag with Corn Syrup and blue food coloring and added some sea animal buttons that I found at Michael’s.  I taped it to the back of the letter O and let Aiden have fun squishing the bag.


Book of the Week and Craft:

We read The Rainbow FishRainbow Fish Big Book

and Aiden painted a rainbow fish. 


When it was dry he glued some scales to the fish that I cut out of aluminum foil.


He also made a….um….well, it’s suppose to be an octopus but I think it looks more like a squid.  To make it we used two brown paper bags.  He colored one of the bags, put the cup in the bag and folded the edges over the cup.  We used the second bag to cut the legs out.  I taped the legs to the inside of the cup and let Aiden add the eyes.

        IMG_2469 IMG_2472

Aiden did enjoy playing with his Fish Bubble Counting File Folder Game.



click the images above to download the game.

I added paper clips to the fish and put them in “water” ~ a big piece of blue felt.  He caught them with his magnetic fishing pole.


Then he lined the fish up in number orderIMG_2489

and we counted the bubbles and added the correct number fish to the file folder game. IMG_2493

That pretty much wraps up our week ~ day of Preschool!  To check out more Preschool ideas and activities visit Preschool Corner!



  1. I like your octopus! We did one last year from the toilet paper tube, but yours looks really handsome. We did a lot of fishing here too - for sight words mostly. It's always a big hit to go fishing for something :)

  2. Nothing wrong with this week! You have great crafts. I love the Ocean "O".

  3. Love, love, love the "O." If you keep coming up with such good ideas my bookmarks folder is going to explode. =) But when Caroline is older my planning will be easy.

  4. Thanks for the post. We are planning on oceans for next week so the download is a great help.

  5. Hi,

    What a creative way to study the letter O.

    I just wanted to say thank you for visiting my blog and entering the contest for Beautiful Creatures.


  6. I love you O ocean! I don't know of a child who doesn't love to go fishing for things.

  7. I too LOVE that ocean O, what a great idea!! And the way you expanded upon that file folder game. Wow!

    Glad I'm not the only one being "unproductive." It's amazing what you got done on an unproductive week.

  8. So many fantastic ideas! My boys would love the O for ocean idea!!
    The rainbow fish turned out super cute, too. I love the magnet fishing idea, too.
    Thanks for the ideas, and folder downloads.

  9. Love the O for Ocean!!! And great bubble game :)

  10. I totally love the O!! What a great craft! The fish printable.. is in my to be printed folder.. the one that is backlogged until I get some more printer ink :) What a fun week!
