
Friday, June 11, 2010

Being Still

We returned home safely from vacation Sunday evening.  I was feeling recharged and ready to go so I started making a VERY LONG list of things to do over the next few weeks.  This week I was going to to plan menus and work on some new printables ~ it didn’t happen.  Monday night my Husband found out that his Mom passed away.  Tuesday morning his bags were packed and he was heading to Georgia.  After much prayer and discussion we decided that it would be best if I stayed home with the kids ~ a very tough decision.  We knew that this week was going to be emotional for the entire family because one year ago today my Dad passed away after having a massive stroke during surgery. 

My way of not dealing with my emotions is to stay busy.  I jump from one thing to the next ~ not really getting anything accomplished.  I end up becoming agitated and short with the kids.  Sad to say I have not been much of a comfort to my family.   I’m sure God is sighing and shaking his head as I write this!   This is something God and I have talked about and I continue to struggle with.  After reading a WONDERFUL post from (in)courage about refueling your spirit, I decided I need to STOP and BE STILL.  So today the only thing on the “To Do List” is spending time reading my Bible and hopefully getting a few minutes of silence. 

I’ll be back to normal posting next week.



  1. Cindy, I am so sorry to hear of your losses. I do not have personal experience in this area to relate, but can imagine the difficulty. I will hold you and your family in my thoughts.

  2. Loss is NEVER, EVER easy...I will pray you find some peace in this storm...

  3. Sorry to hear about your loss! We had a good family friend die suddenly this week.. and I certainly do the same thing as you! If I'm busy I wont think about it as much! I hope you have a wonderful day of resting in the Lord!

  4. First off, i am so sorry for the loss of your MIL! My MIL passed away expectantly in February and it was a very hard time. I will say a prayer for all of you. And also, i am the same way when i got stressed! I keep busy! Its as if its my way of ignoring the situation. Almost a denial? I am glad God has opened your eyes to it and you are making the effort to change. Praise God!

  5. I'm so sorry! I'm praying for you all!

  6. So sorry to hear about your mother in law's passing. I will be praying!

  7. So sorry for your loss! I am praying for you now. God bless you and your family! May your husband be a light and comfort now to his family as well.

    In His amazing grace,

  8. So sorry for your family's loss. Praying for you and yours.

  9. So sorry for your loss, your family will be in our prayers. And in the meantime, be patient with yourself...

  10. I will keep your family in my prayers. I am sorry to hear about your losses.
