
Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Fun Activities with Glow Stick Bracelets

It was HOT today and the kids just didn’t know what to do with themselves so I pulled out some glow stick bracelets that I got from Target’s dollar section.   Here are some of the things we did with them:

We made letters,image

sorted them by color,IMG_2900

counted them,IMG_2901

and talked about small, medium and large.IMG_2903

Feeling satisfied that Aiden and I did a little school, I handed over the bracelets and let the kids play.  They put some of the bracelets together, making a big circle, and took turns tossing the bracelets into the circle.IMG_2905

They made facesIMG_2904

and jewelry.  This is Emily all decked out in the dark IMG_2906

and the kids sporting their jewelry with the lights on.

                 IMG_2916 IMG_2918

The kids have played with the bracelets all evening.  Who knew  glow stick bracelets would occupy them for so long?



  1. My kids have been having lots of fun with glow sticks this summer as well!

  2. Oh that looks like great, creative, educational fun! :)

  3. How fun! Up to this point, we've only played hide and seek with them at night in the summer... these are wonderful ideas!

  4. Glow sticks ROCK, that's for sure!

    Here's a craft I bet your kiddos would enjoy:

    I saw this and put it on our "to do" list for the summer!

  5. Glow bracelets- who wouldve thought? How fun :)

  6. hehe gotta love it! Way more productive afternoon than ours was ;-)

  7. I think I'll get some at the dollar store tonight. Thanks for the inspiration! :)

  8. I have some of these, too!!!

    What a *fantastic* idea!!

    Thanks, Cindy!
