
Friday, August 20, 2010

Preschool Corner ~ Kittens For Keeps

Let me show you Aiden’s new love ~Willow, a bobtailed, six toed sweet heart! 

IMG_3213She is the purr-fect pet for our family ~ as she is constantly being held, kissed, hugged and played with, and she LOVES it!


Since Aiden is all about kittens I pulled out one of our favorite Before Five in a Row books Kittens for Keeps.  This book is a reprint of Jenny’s Surprise Summer which is listed in Before Five In A Row.  The only difference is the name of the little girl and kittens.

Kittens for Keeps is about a little girl, Meg, who spends the summer with her grandmother at her house by the beach. Meg is on the beach when a storm moves in and she finds shelter in a cave, where she finds two kittens. 

Lapbook from Homeschool Share:

  • We pulled out the globe and talked about where the oceans are.
  • Played a memory game with cat cards.
  • Read bible verses.
  • Charted what the weather was during the week
  • Counted cats  - ears, tails, and feet.
  • Talked about how we know it is summer.    Kittens for Keeps Lapbook
  • Read cat poems and sang songs.
  • Talked about taking care of kittens.

Kittens for Keeps Lapbook

Math: Counting and Stamping Paw Prints

I made a sheet with individual blocks for Aiden to stamp paw prints.  He rolled a dice, counted, and added the correct number of paw prints to the chart until it was full.

Paw Print Stamping

Science: Animal Coverings

I used a large piece of felt and added a piece of fur, feathers, fabric that looked like snake skin and a shell to it.  In a small basket I added animals, birds, etc.  Animal Coverings

Aiden sorted the animals by their coverings.Animal Coverings    

Sensory Tub:  Alphabet Shells

I hid our alphabet shells in the sand for Aiden to find.    Alphabet Shells 

Just for Fun:  Playing Veternarian

Aiden and Emily played Veternarian. 

Playing Vet 

They gave each and every one of our stuffed animals a check-up.

Playing Vet

To check out more Preschool ideas and activities visit Preschool Corner!


  1. Oh Cindy, all these ideas are just PRECIOUS- but not as precious as that kitten! We used to have a kitty that looked almost exactly like that- tail and all!

    Enjoy all the purrs and cuddles...

  2. I love that animal sort by coverings.

    And, the kitten is adorable.

  3. You always have such great ideas. :)

  4. Cute kitty!! Love the name! What a great lesson! I love the sorting the animals!

  5. That kitten is adorable!! And i love the paw print stamp!

  6. What a cute kitten! Ours just disappeared a few days ago, and I fear the worst: either the dogs got it or the road did, I'm afraid. :(

    I'm so glad you mentioned that BFIAR book! I had looked for Jenny's Surprise Summer at one point, but had never found out. I'm happy to know that it's available in a slightly revised format. Thanks for the info!

  7. Love, love, love the sorting animals by coverings. Just added this idea to the bookmarks folder. =)

    We have Jenny's Surprise Summer. I had it when I was a little girl and saved it. I did not know they had reprinted it and changed the names.

  8. I love that last photo! This is my first week linking up with Preschool Corner. :)
