
Monday, September 20, 2010

Writing Boxes

I have always kept writing supplies in a drawer for the kids, but when I saw the writing boxes that The Activity Mom created, I decided to put boxes together for the kids.  No more fighting over envelopes and writing supplies!

Aiden’s box is decorated with his name and ABC stickers.

writing boxesInside his box I added:

  • envelopes from junk mail
  • scrapes of paper
  • sticky notes
  • stickers
  • crayons
  • a washable marker

writing boxes

On Emily’s box I used stickers to add her name, the words writing box, friends, and family.

writing boxes

Inside her box is:

  • an address book I printed for her (that already has the address of her friends and family members)
  • fall stationary
  • blank note cards to decorate
  • some cute animal note cards
  • envelopes
  • return address labels
  • post cards that I created with pictures from the countries we will be learning about  

Every week, as part of her handwriting and spelling, she will send Mum-mum a post card from the country we are studying, telling her about something exciting we learned during the week.

writing boxes

Both of the kids have been busy writing!  Emily has already gotten quite a few letters ready to mail to her friends.  Aiden has used most of his sticky notes ~ posting letters of the alphabet all over the house! 



  1. Mind if I steal this idea? I love it!

  2. So nice! Great idea and the postcards are really creative.

  3. I've been meaning to follow through and do this.......

  4. Your boxes are so cute! Isn't it funny how kids love sticky notes?! B puts them all over the house too. He'd use a whole pad everyday if I wasn't so stingy with them. =)

    As I was reading your post it popped into my head that maybe I should make a list on the inside of the list of common words or family members names for B to refer to.

  5. Oh my gosh i am so bookmarking this idea! I love everything about it!

  6. Musicalmary, of course you can steal this idea!!
