
Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Moon Rocks


Have I mentioned how much my kids love to collect rocks?  I found a craft for moon rocks at DLTK’s Kids and decided this would be a great way to use some of the lovely rocks just lying around the house.  Aiden decided he would prefer to suit up in his jet pack and gather more rocks.IMG_4934

 What We Used:


  • rocks
  • small cardboard boxes (I purchased ours from Michaels)
  • paint
  • paint and foam brushes
  • metallic pens

I let Aiden paint the rocks (he had specific ideas on what color they should be) IMG_4912and the cardboard boxes.

IMG_4904When the boxes were dry I wrote Moon Rock on them with the metallic pen. 


The boxes can be used to display the rocks or to store them ~ cause we really need a way to keep even more rocks in the house! 
