
Friday, April 8, 2011

Science Weekly ~ Review

imageMy kids love science and I am always looking for fun ways to add science lessons to our week.  Science Weekly is a 4-page newsletter that is written for grades K – 6th.  There are 6 levels available ~ each level comes with Teaching Notes with answer key.   The levels are:

Level Pre-A (Kindergarten) 
Level A (Grade 1)
Level B (Grade 2)
Level C (Grade 3)
Level D (Grade 4)
Level E (Grade 5-6)

A yearly subscription (15 issues) includes two newsletters a month September – November and one issue in December.

Topics covered include earth science, life science, physical science, and technology.  The topics covered for each edition are the same regardless of the level, however the reading and activities are geared toward the specific grade levels. image

Our Experience

We had an opportunity to review issues on composting.  Aiden used level Pre-A and Emily used Level B.  The activities in the newsletter are suppose to be completed throughout the week but, we decided to do ours in one day.  Both of the newsletters gave basic information about composting and a list of new words.  The activities included writing, math, and our favorite part ~ a weekly lab.  For our lab we made compost.  IMG_5005

Emily’s lab focused on ~ Does compost need water and air?IMG_5009

She  divided the compost into different bags and provided them with different quantities of water and air during a 6 week period.  IMG_5011The newsletter provided a chart for her to write results from the Weekly Lab.

My Thoughts

Being able to get individual newsletters for each child, based on their grade, is a big plus!  Aiden was especially thrilled with having his own science “worksheets”.  The activities, at least for this newsletter, required no preparation other than gathering basic items we had around the house.


  • Specific to each grade level
  • Little preparation required
  • Comes in the mail (Oh how my kids love getting mail!)
  • Each newsletter provides new vocabulary, writing, math and a lab
  • Teach notes come with newsletter


  • I like a little more substance to my science lessons.
  • Not sure if there is enough material in each newsletter to keep a child busy for a week.

Find Out More

Want to see a sample?  You can check out a sample issue about Coral Reefs. 

The cost for a yearly subscription (15 issues) is $19.95 per student.

You can read reviews by other TOS Crew Members here.

This product was given to me for review purposes, and I do not have to return the product to the vendor. I was not paid for this post. All opinions expressed in this post are mine.
