
Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Yesterday’s Classics ~ Review

Books are the quietest and most constant of friends; they are the most accessible and wisest of counselors, and the most patient of teachers.     ~Charles W. EliotPhotobucket

There is so much to be learned from classic books ~ you can travel the world, meeting presidents, missionaries, learn about nature, and go on exciting adventures.  I am a true believer that my children have learned and retained more information during our family reading times than from all of the worksheets we have completed!  My problem has been where do I find the classics without spending a fortune and just where do you put all those books?  imageI received the opportunity as part of the TOS Homeschool Crew to review a package of 225 ebook titles (Kindle or EPUB format) from Yesterday’s Classics ($99.95 from May 1st – 31st).

Yesterday’s Classics republishes classic books for children which were originally published from 1880 – 1920.  Many of the titles are hard to find or have been out of print for decades.  Titles are available in paperback, Kindle or EPUB format. 

The 225 ebook package includes books from 22 different genres (a few titles are listed in more than one genre):

  • World History
  • Children of the World
  • Nature
  • Ancient Greece
  • Fables
  • Ancient Rome
  • Kindergarten
  • Fairy Tales
  • Britain
  • Shakespeare
  • Faith
  • Early Civilizations
  • Poetry
  • Middle Ages
  • Legends
  • Renaissance and Exploration
  • Science
  • Readers
  • American History
  • Christmas Stories
  • Literature
  • Biographies

You also receive a list of all the books arranged by level, genre, author and title and a list of books with descriptions and thumbnails so it’s easy to find what you are looking for.

Many of the books available from Yesterday's Classics fit in curriculum plans such as Ambleside Online, Living Books Curriculum, and Pageant of History.

To view a full list of all the books included in this package click  here

My Thoughts

I will admit before receiving this package of e-books I use to think that there was nothing like the feel of a book in your hand, but this package has changed my mind!  It amazes me that I can purchase 225 classic books for $99.95 and not have to worry about shelf space.  I have 225  books at my finger tips and don’t have to worry about putting them away!  The quality of the books and illustrations is fantastic (all in black and white).  We have enjoyed several of the titles during family reading time, including:

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This collection has been a great addition to our Kindle homeschool library and contains books that we will use for many, many years. 

Find Out More

Yesterday’s Classics provides a very helpful explanation about e-reader software in their Guide to E-reader Devices and Software.

The 225 e-book (Kindle or EPUB) package is available for only $99.95 through May 31st, 2011. 

You can read reviews by other TOS Crew Members here.

This product was given to me for review purposes, and I do not have to return the product to the vendor. I was not paid for this post. All opinions expressed in this post are mine.

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