
Thursday, February 2, 2012

Preschool Corner ~ The Snowy Day


This was a week filled with a few wonderful distractions.  We watched our neighbors little girl one day and daddy, who has been working LOTS of overtime, was home most of the week.  The kids thought they should have the entire week off since daddy was home ~ mommy disagreed!

We did manager to get in some school during the week.  This week we had fun reading The Snowy Day and using Homeschool Creations The Snowy Day Literature Pack and 1+1+1=1’s Raising Rock Stars Preschool Letter S curriculum as our main sources for learning fun. 

~Our Week~

Aiden who usually loves cutting, had a TOTAL meltdown because he was trying to cut a wavy line and he couldn’t keep his scissors on the black line.  I ended up telling him to stop and not worry about it.


The same kid, later in the week was cutting away, making snowflakes out of coffee filters. 


We filled our schoolroom windows with the pretty snowflakes.


We all had fun playing with our snow play dough and making a snow family.


Aiden who is still in robot mode, made a robot snowman.


Aiden also had fun playing in the Snowy Day sensory tub he helped me put together.

~iPod Apps~

This week Aiden played Snow Brawlin’ on the iPod


and Teach Me Kindergarten, which teaches addition, subtraction, spelling, and dolch sight words.



We were very blessed to have just enough snow the end of the week for the kids to go sledding.


Aiden loves to wear sissy’s hat ~ and he looks so cute in it! : )

~Learning Links~


While I didn’t get ANY pictures of the printable work we did this week we do so some.  Here are the links for what we used this week:

To check out more Preschool Corner posts, head on over to Homeschool Creations.


Wednesday, February 1, 2012

The Sick Bowl

Such a lovely topic, isn’t it.  Come on you have one too, don’t you?  Our container of choice is a plastic bowl that came with a cover. 


Why I kept the cover, I don’t know but, I am glad I did.  It seems when ever we have a bug floating through the house, I am out of all the required essentials ~ like ginger ale, popsicles, etc.  The kids always seem to find my stash of said items and consume them.  So I decided to stash the essentials in the “bucket” in a ziplock bag.  IMG_6761

I like to keep the following on hand:

  • Ginger ale
  • hand sanitizer (which I keep by the door of whoever is sick)
  • Gatorade powder packets
  • freezer pops
  • Gin-Gins (these really help my kids when the have an upset stomach)

I also like to keep ginger syrup in the fridge.  We use it in teas and to make our own ginger ail.  It is super easy to make! 

So far this works for me and I am prepared and ready should the kids get sick.  What do you like to keep on hand for when you kids are sick?


Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Snowy Day Sensory Tub

To go along with the book we are reading this week, Snowy Day, Aiden helped me put together a Snowy Day sensory tub.


What We Used:


We poured the Insta-Snow into our container and I let Aiden add the water. 


As soon as you add the water you can see the snow puff up ~ seriously, it is so fun to watch!


We added Peter and his friend


and some wooden houses.  Aiden made it “snow” so the tops of the houses were covered.


The he plowed the street and we talked about how high the snow was on the sides of the road.


Aiden tried to make prints in the snow but you couldn’t see them so we grabbed some of our snow play dough and he made prints with his fingers. 

Aiden found Peter’s stick in the snow and helped Peter hit the tree with it.


Peter and his friend then had a snowball fight (without the big kids). 


Aiden had fun retelling the story and playing in the tub. 


I will say that the plastic tablecloth or some kind of drop cloth on the floor is a MUST!!  This stuff is messy.  Another note ~ DO NOT put an air tight cover on the snow because it will mold.  If the snow starts to dry out just add more water.


Monday, January 30, 2012

Snow Play dough

This week we are reading Snowy Day.  Since we have had a warmer than usually winter (which I am NOT complaining about) and no snow in the forecast, I made a batch of “snow” play dough for the kids to play with.


To make the play dough I mixed the following:

  • 1 cup of flour
  • 1/2 cup of salt
  • 1 tablespoon cream of tarter
  • 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil
  • 1 cup of water
  • lots of iridescent glitter
  • 2 tablespoons of white paint

Mix in all together in a nonstick sauce pan until it forms a ball.  Turn the dough out and knead it.  Then all you need is some kids and some accessories.  We used: buttons, a piece of orange pipe cleaner (nose) goggle eyes, sticks from outside, a felt scarf and hat, and popsicle sticks.


We used to popsicle sticks to hold our snowman up and keep his hat on his head.


Some of the kids creations. 


May I introduce robot snowman, grandma snow, and Ms. Hollywood snow lady.


Thursday, January 26, 2012

Preschool Corner ~ Robots


This week our theme was robots and what a busy week it was.  I didn’t realize how much we accomplished until I looked through our pictures.

~Circle Time~

Carissa at 1+1+1=1 put together a Calendar Notebook, which we have started using.  The notebook has been a BIG HIT with both of my kids.


We also like to add lots of singing and dancing during our circle time to get out the wiggles before we do any table work.  This week we sang and danced to Robot Song from Preschool of Rock.

IMG_6853_edited-1Aiden doing the robot dance.

For most of the learning activities we used the Robot Printable Pack from Jolanthe at Homeschool Creations.


Aiden worked on the letter Rr this week.  He has his uppercase letters down so we focused on the lowercase letter. 


He sang the ABC Song and traced the letter Rr with his light up pointer. IMG_6686


Aiden was very proud of himself for cutting and putting his robot puzzle together (counting 1 –10).


He also worked on graphing different colored robots,


matching shapes to the correct word, IMG_6722

and we talked about fractions and he used our Guidecraft Fraction Cups ~ matching them to the fraction robots.



We recently started using Raising Rock Stars Letter printables from Carissa at 1+1+1+1 to go along with our letter of the week.  I am loving this addition to our homeschool curriculum!  This week the focus was Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.


~iPod Apps~

If you ask Aiden what his favorite part of school is I feel sure he would say using my iPod.  This week he played Toca Boca’s Robot Lab

IMG_6674and UmiNumbers.IMG_6683

~Getting Crafty~

Our big craft project this week was making a robot costume.

IMG_6751     We also had fun making wind up robots.  Aiden did most of the coloring and I assembled them.


Then we had a robot race.


~Snack Time~

I absolutely love a theme so when I found these cute robot cupcake molds I had to have them.  The kids actually use them all the time for snack.  This week they had chocolate pudding with sprinkles and graham crackers.


~Just for Fun~

We pulled out a favorite at house, robot stackers.


Aiden’s art work for the week ~ our family as robots (with some help from his sister). : )


~Robot Week Links~


Aiden’s work for the week PROUDLY displayed.  All of the printables/curriculum we used this week is listed below.

For more Preschool Corner posts, head on over to Homeschool Creations.


Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Robot Costume


We have had a fun week talking, reading, learning, and playing with robots.  Our craft project this week was to make a robot costume.

I cut the bottom, arm holes and a hole for Aiden’s head in a box.  Then I let Aiden paint the box silver.


After the box was dry we made and added a fuel gauge,


a heart, which is hidden under a flap, and all sorts of shapes cut out of construction paper.


Daddy was nice enough to stop by Lowes and purchase some dryer vent hose for Aiden to wear on his arms.  We taped the ends with silver electrical tape so Aiden would be poked by any sharp pieces.  Then Aiden geared up and voile ~ his robot costume.


Super easy and Aiden LOVES it!
