
Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Queen Cakes

Let them eat cake!   


Emily and I have been reading about Marie-Antoinette, queen of France during the French Revolution.  Maria-Antoinette was an arrogant queen, and when she heard that there was no bread for the poor citizens of Paris, she replied “Qu-ils mangent les brioches!” (“Let them eat cake”).  After her death, citizens of Paris created Queen Cakes in her memory.

We found the recipe for Queen Cakes in Konos Volume I

I gathered the ingredients and let Emily weight, measure, mix and pour.


We used a scale to measure the flour and sugar (a great math lesson).  We also used cake pans instead of making individual cakes. 

What You’ll  Need:

1 lb. flour

1/2 lb. butter (Since this for school, I ignored the large quantity of butter required!  : )

1/2 lb. sugar

3 eggs

1/2 cup baking powder

A few tablespoons of grated lemon rind in cream

What You’ll Do:

Sift baking soda with flour in a bowl.  In another bowl, cream butter and sugar.  Beat until creamy (we beat by hand, after all they didn’t have mixers then.)  Add eggs one at a time.  Add flour and moisten with cream until consistency of cake batter.  Put in small buttered tins (or cupcake tins) and bake 15 –30 minutes at 350. 

Makes 2 – 3 dozen small cakes.

Optional:  We mixed together lemon juice, lemon zest, powdered sugar, and milk to make a glaze that we drizzled over the cake.




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