
Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Shaving Cream Shamrocks

We have only played with shaving cream a few times, and each time I am amazed at where I find the shaving cream when we are finished (on the dog?).  The mess is so worth 30 minutes of playing, and the squeals of laughter. 

I put green washable paint in some shaving cream and let the kids play.

IMG_1499 IMG_1497

After they were finished making a mess playing, we placed some shamrocks, printed on cardstock, on top of the shaving cream.  We ended up with marble looking shamrocks.


Note to self:  Do not leave the camera on the table when kids are doing a messy art project.




  1. Love this. We're doing a whole unit on St. Patricks day and this would be a very fun activity for Little One and I bet her sisters would enjoy it too!

  2. This brought back some good memories - I used to do this with my 2nd graders every March! It really is SOOOO much fun!

    We usually added a little yellow, too, just for the fun of it. I used food coloring, but paint would be just as easy & less chance of staining!

    I'm loving your blog, by the way. What a fun mom you are!

  3. Very fun! We may have to do this!

  4. I used to do shaving cream marbling with my students when I taught art, but haven't tried it with my little ones yet. I featured you on my blog today:

    Thanks for the inspiration!
