
Friday, March 12, 2010

Weekly Wrap-Up: Hot off the Presses

We were back to a somewhat normal routine this week.   Tuesday was the only day that we didn’t get all of our workboxes finished.  Mommy had a dentist appointment, and was a bundle of nerves.  Don’t tell my kids but, I really hate going to the dentist.

Emily had fun writing her first newspaper, The Giron Gazette.  We got the idea from Amy @ Early Bird Homeschool. 


Emily’s favorite joke was cut by the editor.  This is going to be mailed to family and friends, including grandma! 

Q: Why did the tiger look in the toilet?

A:  He was looking for Pooh.


Amy recommended some great books to go along with the newspaper theme.  Our favorites were; Some Good NewsFairy Tale News and Freddy and the Bean Home News.

Emily and Aiden got messy and made some shaving cream shamrocks.




Emily is moving along quickly in math, learning subtraction.  She amazes me how quickly she picks up new math skills.  She doesn’t get this from her Mother!

Not much to report on spelling and writing.  Emily is really starting to enjoy reading and has been spending quite time reading to her brother.

My dear, sweet hubby gave me the go ahead to order the camera I have been drooling over for the past year.  (This is my birthday, anniversary and Christmas gift!)  I damaged the lens on my old camera, and had to keep banging it on the counter to close it.  I think I’m in love!

 IMG_1523 IMG_1520    IMG_1517

To see what other homeschoolers have been up to this week, visit Kris at Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers.



  1. The newspaper is TOTALLY awesome! Great job Emily! and yippiee on the camera!

  2. I bet your family gets a kick out of the newspaper. Love the photos:)

  3. I loved the joke! I'm telling my kiddos in the morning. We do a family newspaper too. Don't tell my kids that they are working on typing and writing. They think it's fun!
