
Friday, May 28, 2010

Preschool Corner ~ Ocean Week 3

preschool corner

Aiden has been having so much fun with the ocean theme that we decided to continue it for another week. 

Book of the Week and Craft:

This week we read Starfish: Stars of the Sea and made a starfish out of Crayola Model Magic.  I helped him shape the starfish and he used a small strainer, which he pushed onto the starfish, to add some texture.


Alphabet Fun:

I bought some sea shells from the Dollar Store and wrote the letters of the alphabet on them.  Here are some of the fun activities we did with them.

I hide the shells in the sand and Aiden hunted for them ~ naming the letters written on the shells.


We lined up the shells, letter side up, and Aiden and I worked on letter sounds and naming words that started with each letter.  

Aiden’s favorite activity was tossing a pearl (marble) into the container and naming which letter in landed on. 


Lastly we played find the pearl.  I took a couple of the shells and hid a pearl under one of them.  Aiden tried to guess which shell the pearl was hidden under.


Numbers and Counting:

Aiden is completely fascinated with sharks so I made a shark bucket to use for a counting game.  I used a sand bucket and added two rows of teeth and a fin that I cut out of foam sheets.


Aiden rolled the dice and feed the shark fish that I cut out of foam. IMG_2617


Aiden loves fishing so I added some shapes, cut out of foam sheets, to a container of water and let Aiden fish for them. 


After he caught all the shapes he had fun catching his sister! : )IMG_2621

Next week are heading to the beach {insert HAPPY DANCE!}.  Hopefully we will see some of the sea life we have been learning about ~ NO sharks please!  I won’t be posting a Preschool Corner post next week but I look forward to reading about everyone else’s week while I am kicked backed relaxing!

To check out more Preschool ideas and activities visit Preschool Corner!



  1. You have some VERY clever & creative activities! I love the fishing for shapes!

  2. Great week! I love the sea star and the shark number eater is awesome!

  3. I love all your sand and shell ideas. I was going to a relaxed ocean theme over the summer with my son and will definitely keep these ideas on hand!
    Have fun relaxing at the beach next week.

  4. Wonderful activities. I am hoping to get out shells out once we come back from our vacation (also next week). Have a wonderful time at the beach.

  5. I love the seashell alphabet ideas!!

  6. Have fun at the beach. We did a ocean unit while we were at the beach last week. It was great. Enjoy!

  7. Have fun at the beach! Selena is still talking about our trip to the beach. We hope to do a lot more of it if summer ever arrives!

  8. What a wonderful week! Love ll of the activities! Have fun on your trip! :-)

  9. I love the alphabet sea shells, gotta keep my eyes open for them too.

  10. These are some fabulous ideas! I am so happy to have found your blog! New follower here!
