
Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Math Facts Now! ~ Review

imageNormally when I try and get my daughter, Emily, who is in second grade to practice her math facts, I am meet with groaning and moaning.  The first time we used Math Facts NOW my daughter actually said she was having fun!

What is Math Facts NOW!

Math Facts NOW! is a program available by download or CD-ROM ($15.95) that is used to drill addition, subtraction, multiplication or division facts.  Once you decide which math facts you want your child to practice you enter the following:

  • Which number tables you want practice (1-12)
  • How many problems you want in each lesson (with a minimum of 5)
  • How long the student has to answer each question
  • How many times the child will reenter incorrect answers (minimum of 2)
  • The program also gives the option of giving the student a reward if they complete the lesson with no errors ~ a big hit in my household!

imageThe program keeps tract of the problems your child has difficulty with and gives them the same problem numerous times throughout the lesson.  You can print progress reports to see how the student is doing and what areas they need more practice.

My Thoughts

Just the fact that my daughter said she was having fun while practicing math facts makes me jump for joy!  I’m sure that the possibility of a reward when she completed the lesson with NO ERRORS had a great deal to due with her love of the program, but I’m fine with that!  The program is not fancy, but it does what it promises ~ practices math facts and drills and gives the student extra help in week areas.  It has been a great addition to our math curriculum!


  • You decided what your child needs to practice ~ very customizable!
  • When you child is given a problem they got wrong previously it gives them a heads up to BE CAREFUL!


  • You can give rewards when your child completes a lesson with no errors.
  • Printable reports showing the child’s progress.
  • The program can grow with your child from addition to division, so it will last for years (K-6)!

Find Out More

Visit Math Facts NOW! to purchase the CD-ROM or download for $15.95.  Want to try it for free?  You can give it a try online or download a trial version here.

Find out what my fellow crew members thought of Math Facts NOW here.

This product was given to me for review purposes, and I do not have to return the product to the vendor. I was not paid for this post. All opinions expressed in this post are mine.



  1. yes, that she likes math is huge. I'm struggling with my first grader and I will have to look into this.

  2. Thanks for sharing. We may try this as I think my dd is getting tired of the workbook drills.
