
Friday, January 7, 2011

See-N-Read ~ Review

See n Read

I was intrigued when I found out that I would be receiving a reading tool from See-N-Read.  I decided to check out the website to see what I would be receiving and once I started reading about the research that went into the product and its purpose, I couldn’t wait until we received our reading tools!

What Are See-N-Read Reading Tools?

They are transparent reading tools available with a clear window (See-N-Read) or open window (MemoryMark), so you can highlight text as you read.  imageSee-N-Read tools clear window help you concentrate on the text and move easily to the next line ~ without loosing your place, which increases fluency and comprehension.  The products helps early readers with left to right eye movement and filter distractions, such as pictures.

See-N-Read reading tools were researched for three years in the fields of reading, dyslexia, visual and cognitive processing and tested in the classroom for 2 years.

The products are available in two sizes:

  • Book 3 1/2” x 5” – for small books and chapter books
  • Document 3 1/2” x 8 1/2” – for large books and documents

My Thoughts:

What an amazing little tool!  The product has helped my daughter, who is often overwhelmed by all the words on a page in chapter books, focus on one line at a time.  We have also used it with her math worksheets to help her work on one problem at a time ~ no more skipping problems! 

I have been using the MemoryMark product while reading (and highlighting) my Bible and it has been a tremendous help.  I find that I don’t skip ahead and stay focused on what I’m reading.  If I happen to be interrupted while I’m reading, the product helps me keep my place and not end up reading the same passage over and over.

Find Out More:

You can order See-N-Read products here.  See-N-Read (one book size) is available for just $2.99.  They also have a product called eSee-N-Read to use with your PC.

To see additional reviews by the Homeschool Crew click here.

This product was given to me for review purposes, and I do not have to return the product to the vendor. I was not paid for this post. All opinions expressed in this post are mine.


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